Advanced sales strategies for CD alternatives

If your client already owns or is interested in a low-interest rate product like a CD, they likely A) have reservations about investing their money in anything connected to the market, or B) are unaware of potentially more lucrative options.

But it's unrealistic to expect them to glance at their calendar and think, "Look, it's October! I should call my advisor to talk about CDs." Don't worry - we have a range of marketing materials designed specifically to help you start this crucial conversation.

What's inside:
  • 2023 Taxable Equivalent Yield chart
  • A split-annuity alternative guide and checklist
  • CD vs. FIA sales strategies
  • An SPL vs. CD calculator
  • Prospecting letters, a fillable fact finder, social cards, and post copy
  • Going Broke Safely and Market Loss Recovery concepts
  • IAMS' Beyond Capital Transfer guide

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10 Year Guaranteed Rate - 6.00%
5 Year Guaranteed Rate - 5.65%
3 Year Guaranteed Rate - 5.70% 

Year Guaranteed Rate - 5.25%