Are you having trouble finding life insurance options for clients age 60 or older?
COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on the life insurance market. Over the last month, insurance companies have rolled out a whirlwind of changes to their underwriting processes.
This has included:
- New age thresholds for policy issue
- New restrictions and guidance on health statements
- More scrutiny on factors such as travel
IAMS, Inc. has carriers available that can issue up to $5mm of coverage without an exam or APS. In additions, IAMS has a number of carriers that are accepting business in the age 60 and 70+ markets. We can help you navigate this ever-changing environment.
We also have the resources you need to get to the heart of your client's unique situation. The IAMS Heath Screening Questionnaire and Life Insurance Fact Finder will allow you to develop the solution that best fits their financial needs.
Fill out the form to request your fact Heath Screening Questionnaire and Life Insurance Fact Finder.